We’ve been in shelter in place for almost a whole year, and through it all we’ve found ways to keep making music. Starfire and Lightshine, please help us put together our favorite Palm Sunday anthem, “Lift Up Your Voice” ! It will be part of Palm Sunday worship on March 28th. We hope you’ll join us for this special project!
Starfire & Lightshine will be recording the audio and video “live” at the LAUMC campus on Saturday, March 13, in the sanctuary garden. We are strongly encouraging you to listen to the tracks for your voice parts, and soloists listen to the Practice Recording. By the recording session, you should be very familiar with your part to make sure everything goes smoothly.
**Please see below for instructions if you will not be attending on Saturday**
Charged cell phone to record your video (tripods will be provided)
Attire: nice Palm Sunday clothes (guys in ties)
11am: Tyler N. & Michael W.
12–1:30pm: Tenors & Basses
2–3:30pm: Sopranos & Altos
3:30pm: Alisa D. & Kate R.
Cue Tracks:
But I’m busy on Saturday/can’t come in person! Will I not be part of the recording?
It’s all good! If you can’t make it, please follow the instructions below for recording your video (outside!) and submit it by Monday, March 15th.
Questions? Call Dirk at 650-823-4090
What you need:
A device to record yourself. If you’re using an iPhone, change settings to the following:
Settings>Camera>Record Video 1080p at 30fps
Settings>Camera>Formats>most compatibleThe easiest solution to EVERYTHING is to use a new-ish iPhone if at all possible. Please follow the instructions above and make sure it is set to 30fps, 1080p, and compatibility mode.
If not using an iPhone: Please record on a device that can do 30fps (some laptops via quicktime can NOT do this, please check your file after recording. You can check on your computer by opening the file in Quicktime, and going to "Window" / "Show Movie Inspector" (CMD+I)
Please make sure your video is 1920x1080 (ie. 1080p) HD. Again, if using a laptop, this may not be the case. Your phone is a good solution.
Please make sure you upload a video file with the ending .mov or .mp4 in the file name.
Do NOT use the selfie (front facing) camera. Get someone to help you frame things up using the rear facing high quality camera.
A tripod or something stable to set the camera device on (NOT handheld)
Sheet music (digital or printed) & somewhere to put it. Try and get it close to your camera at eye level because we want you looking into the camera!
Device to play back cue tracks. This can be a computer, an iPad, anything like that. It is important that only you hear the cue track while you’re recording, so be sure you use headphones, earbuds, AirPods, etc.
If at all possible, a higher quality external microphone that can connect to your phone or whatever you’re recording on. This is not essential, it will just improve the audio quality.
Stand in your backyard or another outside location. Please try to find a place that’s as quiet as possible.
Put camera 1.5 to 2 ft in front of you, using a tripod or makeshift stand so your phone is stable, and film horizontally (landscape!) & look straight into the camera (not up, down, or sideways).
Download sheet music and your cue track (scroll up).
Sing through the song a few times before you record. You should feel very comfortable singing it all the way through before you record.
Put devices in airplane/silent mode so they don’t ring or vibrate during recording
When you’re ready to record, start the cue track (in your headphones) and begin recording on your video device.
Make sure you clap as instructed! It’s very important because it helps sync up the video. Make sure your hands are visible when you clap.
Be happy while you sing!
DO NOT PAUSE THE CUE TRACK AT ANYTIME WHILE RECORDING. Do not try to start the playback in the middle and try to fix mistakes. If you don't like the results, you'll need to start from the beginning and do it again.
At the end of the recording, look at the camera and smile and stay connected with the camera for at least 5 seconds before you stop recording. AND DON’T SAY ANYTHING
After filming:
Watch your video through to make sure you don’t move around too much or end up out of the frame. Make sure you can hear yourself well.